
Configuring a Voice VLAN in Manual Mode

Create  S2326TP-SI  VLANs and configure the interface on the Switch.
# Create VLAN 2 and VLAN 6.
<Quidway> system-view
[Quidway] vlan batch 2 6
# Configure the link type and default VLAN of the interface.
[Quidway] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid pvid vlan 6
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid untagged vlan 6
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
Step 2 Configure the voice VLAN on the Switch.
# Configure the voice VLAN on the interface.
[Quidway] interface ethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] voice-vlan 2 enable
# Set the voice VLAN mode to manual and add the interface to the voice VLAN.
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] voice-vlan mode manual
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] port hybrid tagged vlan 2
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] quit
# Set the OUI of the voice VLAN.
[Quidway] voice-vlan mac-address 0011-2200-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000
# Set the working mode of the voice VLAN.
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1] voice-vlan security enable
Step 3 Verify the configuration.
Run the display voice-vlan oui command to check the OUI of the voice VLAN.
<Quidway> display voice-vlan oui
OuiAddress Mask Description
0011-2200-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
Run the display voice-vlan 2 status command to check voice VLAN mode, security mode, and
voice VLAN aging time.
<Quidway> display voice-vlan 2 status
Voice VLAN Configurations:
Voice VLAN ID : 2
Voice VLAN status : Enable
Voice VLAN aging time : 1440(minutes)
Voice VLAN 8021p remark : 6
Voice VLAN dscp remark : 46
Port Information:
Port Add-Mode Security-Mode S2309TP-PWR-EI  Legacy

Ethernet0/0/1 Manual Security Disable

