
PPPoE current mirror

A few days ago to do with MA5620 , has no, today found a 9303 try, finally!!
Observe-port 1 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
Add the observation port
ACL number 5000
Rule 1 permit 0x00000050 0x0000ffff 42
Add user defined ACL, matching the target TCP 80 port, TCP protocol at the start of the two layer packets of thirty-fourth bytes, 2 bytes source port, destination port 2 bytes, 6 bytes plus PPPoE protocol, PPP protocol byte offset from the beginning of 2, forty-second bytes
Traffic classifier web operator or precedence 5
If-match ACL 5000
Traffic behavior Web
Mirroring to observe-port 1
Traffic policy Web
Classifier web behavior Web
Standard three piece suit
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6
Port link-type access
Port default VLAN 106
Traffic-policy web inbound
Business application port ACL, found ACL involves two layer data only in the direction of application, unable to make the direction

The final catch all monitoring equipment MA5626   is the destination port for the TCP 80 package


How to configure FTP for Huawei S5700 ?

When I configure FTP for Huawei S5700 switch, I use the steps as following, but I can’t make it work:
Step 1 seting for the FTP server
Start the FTP service on Switch, and configure the FTP username ftpuser, password ftppwd.
<Quidway> System-View
[Quidway] FTP server enable
[Quidway] AAA
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser password simple ftppwd - appear the mistake: Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position. but if input: local-user ftpuserpassword CI ftppwd is not this tip.
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser service-type FTP
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser ftp-directory flash:/
[Quidway-aaa] return

Step 2 configure device IP
The configuration of IP, recommend the use of the idle and configured as a default configuration interface, the Ethernet 0/0/1 as an example.
<Quidway> System-View
[Quidway]interface Ethernet 0/0/1 - enter the mistake this command: Error: Wrongparameter found at position. and then give '^' not the next step.
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1]port link-type access
[Quidway] VLAN 10
[Quidway-vlan10] port Ethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-vlan10] quit
[Quidway] interface vlanif 10
[Quidway-Vlanif10] IP address 24
[Quidway-Vlanif10] quit

Step 3 login to the FTP server (Switch)
The following example is the WindowsXP system are described.
Storage will upload the file to the specified directory (assumed to be the D:\> directory), in the "Start Menu" run ", type" CMD, and then press the "enter" key. Then type FTP,in "user" prompt, enter the user name, in the "password" prompt, enter the password, and then press the "enter" key. Display information as follows:
Connected to
220 FTP service ready
User ( (none)): ftpuser
331 Password required for 1
230 User logged in
Step 1 upload web software
In the FTP client (PC) to execute the put source-filename [destination-filename], from PC upload software. Upload finished, execute the bye command, disconnect FTP, return to the user view.
Ftp> put D:\S2300.web.zip
200 Port command okay
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for LS-S2326TP-SI-AC .web.zip
226 Transfer complete
Ftp: send 4940436 bytes, when using 35.10Seconds 140.76Kbytes/sec
Ftp> bye
221 Server closing



Configuring the License Function

With the license platform enabled, the license platform performs license control through license server over the function entries and resource entries supported by the MA5620  /MA5603 and provides customized services for users.

The license platform provides the registration mechanism for the service modules of the MA5600/MA5603. During system initialization, the service modules need to register for the controlled resource entries or the controlled function entries. After the system starts to work, based on the controlled entries that are registered, the license client management module obtains the authentication information about the license controlled entries of the MA5600/MA5603 from the license server.

If you need to use the license platform supported by the MA5600/MA5603, ensure to consider the deployment of the license server in network planning.
It is recommended that you install the license server on the same computer with the NMS server. If there is no NMS server, you need to separately deploy a license server on the network.                                                                                         
To configure the MA5600/MA5603 to communicate with the server through smart VLAN 10, configure the IP address of the L3 interface to, configure the MA5600/MA5603 to communicate with the license server (IP address: through port 0/7/0, and configure the TCP port ID to 10010, do as follows:
huawei(config)#vlan 10 smart
huawei(config)#port vlan 10 0/7 0
huawei(config)#interface vlanif 10
huawei(config-if-vlanif10)#ip address 24
huawei(config)#ip route-static 24
huawei(config)#license esn

huawei(config)#license server ipaddress MA5626 tcpport 10010

NE40E with the single board:

LPUF-10 is a 10G  NE40E-X8   single board, 4 card slots,
Can support rich sub card type, support different types of card shuffling
The single board FIBv4 capacity of 1M, FIBv6 capacity is 256K, ACL for 16K, support 256K queue
LPUF-20 is a 20G single board, 2 card slots,
The single board support only to Prince card
The single board FIBv4 capacity of 1M, FIBv6 capacity is 256K, ACL for 16K, support 256K queue
LPUF-20 card is mainly divided into 4 kinds, one kind is the P20 card, which was divided into the general sub card and densified to Prince card
A class is a P20-A card, the card supports the 1588V2 function
In a class is a P20-B card, the card can support BRAS function,
The last category is the P20-E card, the card will not only support 1588V2 and BRAS, also support the enhanced QOS function, support 256K streams queues
LPUF-40 is a 40G single board, 2 card slots,
The single board support only to Prince card, have stronger forwarding capability greater port density
The single board FIBv4 capacity of 3M, FIBv6 capacity is 1M, ACL reached 32K, support 512K queue
LPUF-100 single board 4 card slots, support 100GE, 10GE, 40Gpos interface
LPUF-100 has a strong performance, support for 3M FIBv4, 1M FIBv6, 1M ACL, 512K queue,
100G series single board includes three types: high specification LPUF-100 and specifications of LPUI-100 and low LPUS-100 specifications.
LPUF-100 is a flexible card, 512K streams queues, can support 10GE, GE, 10G POS, 40G POS and other flexible configuration;
LPUI-100 is a fixed Ethernet interface board, 256K streams queues, meet the QoS scene secondary demand.
Types can offer include 10 x 10GE, 16 x 10GE line speed of convergence, 96 * GE, single port 40G POS and single port 100GE and other types of.
LPUS-100 is a fixed Ethernet interface board, 8 queues per port.
From the industry point of view, the current NE40E-X3   with 100G single board interface type, the highest density of the most abundant port.


Huawei participating GITEX will release the latest cloud data center solution

A leading telecom solutions provider Huawei NE40E , with a series of new products and solutions, to hold in the Dubai Bay area most influential exhibition -- GITEX ICT. Huawei will in this exhibition to demonstrate its complete ICT solutions, will also host channel salon, booth Open Speech abundant exhibition activities, concentrated display of the enterprise market Huawei technology and business trends in the development of understanding. As the key content of this exhibition, will be released to the industry's new cloud data center solution.
The vigorous development of cloud computing technology, has become a global hot topic and a hot spot for investment, cloud computing high efficiency, low cost, low power consumption, Gao Linghuo has many enterprises to the attention and favor, can help enterprises to achieve business development, innovation. In this context, Huawei at the GITEX show special show leading cloud computing technology and application in various industries. Focused on products including the new data center Huawei solution; at the same time, will also launch new high-end HVS storage system Smart based on Matrix architecture.
In this exhibition, the Middle East region Huawei vice president of business department Dong Wu said: "GITEX provides a platform for us, to display their latest products and solutions, let us have the opportunity to share best practices and from different countries worldwide customers, further consolidate and cooperation between partners and customers. To this end, we will organize and actively participate in various activities in the exposition, with partners and customers in-depth exchanges."
Huawei company will introduce its CloudEngine series switch products to customers in the Middle East in GITEX. The CloudEngine 12800 series switch is the next generation data center switches the highest industry performance, the maximum support 48Tbps exchange capacity, three times in the industry level; support each slot 2Tbps bandwidth (can upgrade to 4Tbps), four times the industry level. The CloudEngine 12800 series and CloudEngine 5800/6800 series of core switch cabinet top type switches support high densities of 100GE, 40GE, 10GE and GE interface, and full support of virtual network computing, storage, network support, the fusion of characteristics, which can meet the 4 generation server development for the next 10 years demand for network, help customers to build long-term stable the data center network infrastructure.
Not only that, Huawei will also in the GITEX such a platform to display the comprehensive strength Huawei enterprise network products, including the S9700 T bit core routing switch, with 21us industry minimum inter frame delay of the industry's first enterprise level 802.11ac standard with WLAN AP prototype, leading the industry 2 times the performance of AR G3 enterprise routers, NE series of high-end service router NE40E and facing the global launch of the enterprises in the end router NE20E-S, while in transport and access network advantage products, including support for a maximum of 5 site and multi direction convergence of data transmission of microwave products RTN950, OTN technology will be extended to the access layer of the Mini OTN system OSN 1800, have group properties Hybrid MSTP OSN 550, more than 11 years of commercial experience in xPON solution SmartAX MA5616.

The afternoon of October 17th, Huawei will participate in the forum organizers held a cloud. The customer will share the recent deployment of virtual desktop cloud solution on how to change the operation of the United Arab Emirates university. Huawei also and participants will discuss cloud computing brings to industry changes,  NE40E-X8 and how to play a role in reducing energy consumption.


Configuring the Multicast Log

The communication between the MA5680T   /MA5683T   and the multicast log server must be normal.

huawei(config)#display file-server auto-backup cdr                
  Server type: Primary                                                         
  Trans mode : TFTP              //The transmission mode of the multicast log is TFTP. 
  IP address :       //The IP address of the multicast log server is
  Current Server: Primary server
huawei(config)#display igmp config global                                      
  Authorization                         : enable                               
  Robustness variable                   : 2                                    
  General query interval(s)             : 125                                  
  V2 General query response time(0.1s)  : 100                                  
  V3 General query response time(0.1s)  : 100                                  
  Specific query interval(0.1s)         : 10                                   
  V2 Specific query response time(0.1s) : 8                                    
  V3 Specific query response time(0.1s) : 8                                    
  Specific query number                 : 2                                    
  V2 router present timeout(s)          : 400                                  
  User action report switch             : disable                              
  Preview switch                        : enable                               
  Recognition time(s)                   : 30                                   
  The time of reset preview-count       : 04:00:00                              
  Auto create log interval(h)           : 2                                    
  Uplink port mode                      : default                              
  Bandwidth management switch           : enable                                
  CDR auto report interval(s)           : 600                                  
  CDR auto report number                : 200                                  
  CDR switch                            : enable  //The multicast log report in CDR mode is enabled.
  IGMP Packet encapsulation             : all                                  
  IGMP ECHO switch                      : disable                              
  Router IP                             :                           
  Initial unsolicited report interval(s): 1                                    
  Query offline user switch             : -                                    
  BTV Forward Mode                      : Mvlan                                



S2300 switch problem

Even with Huawei LS-S2326TP-EI-AC  switch 9 port of the computer, every day is not timed with the upstairs server communication broken or delayed, resulting in a software often wrong, I examined the port log are as follows

display interface ethernet0/0/9 [31D                                [31Ddisplay interface ethnernet0/0/9  [33D                                  [33Ddisplay interface ethernet0/0/9
Ethernet0/0/9 current state : UP
Line protocol current state : UP
Description:HUAWEI, Quidway Series, Ethernet0/0/9 Interface
Switch Port,PVID :  202,The Maximum Frame Length is 1536
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 781d-ba8a-197c
Speed :  100,  Loopback: NONE
Duplex: FULL,  Negotiation: ENABLE
Mdi   : AUTO
Last 300 seconds input rate 25096 bits/sec, 10 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 34960 bits/sec, 20 packets/sec
Input peak rate 6632 bits/sec,Record time: 2009-06-12 17:28:25
Output peak rate 15304 bits/sec,Record time: 2009-06-12 17:28:25
Input:  468630 packets, 133234179 bytes
Unicast        :              467083,Multicast          :                  98
Broadcast      :                1449,Jumbo              :                   0
CRC            :                   0,Giants             :                   0
Jabbers        :                   0,Throttles          :                   4
Runts          :                   0,DropEvents         :                   0
Alignments     :                   0,Symbols            :                   0
Ignoreds       :                   0,Frames             :                   0
Discard        :                   0,Total Error        :                   4
Output:  1829249 packets, 255425656 bytes
  ---- More ---- [42D                                           [42DUnicast        :              508759,Multicast          :              255973
Broadcast      :             1064517,Jumbo              :                   0
Collisions     :                   0,Deferreds          :                   0
Late Collisions:                   0,ExcessiveCollisions:                   0
Buffers Purged :                   0
Discard        :                   0,Total Error        :                   0
    Input bandwidth utilization threshold : 100.00%
    Output bandwidth utilization threshold: 100.00%
    Input bandwidth utilization  : 0.03%

Output LS-S2309TP-EI-AC  bandwidth utilization : 0.03%


The MA5680T command is viewing the rogue light-emitting ONU?

The MA5600  command is viewing the rogue light-emitting ONU? A luminous ONU, thenetwork has a problem?
Huawei (config-if-gpon-0/3) #display port state 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
F/S/P 0/3/1
Optical Module status Online Port state Offline
XPON MAC chipset state Normal
Last down cause LOS
Last up time 2010-9-2 11:22:23
Last down time 2010-9-2 11:22:24
Laser state Normal
Available bandwidth (Kbps) 1240576
Temperature (C) 42
TX Bias current (mA) 8
Supply Voltage (V) 3.28
TX power (dBm) 3.15
Illegal rogue ONT Inexistent
Max rate (Kbps) 2500000
Max Distance (Km) 20
Wave Length (nm) 1490
Fiber type Single Mode
Signal detect Failed
TX fault Normal
Identifier Unknown
Ext.Identifier Invalid
Connector SC
Encoding NRZ
Length (9um) (km) 20
Length (50um) (m) -
Length (62.5um) (m) -
Length (Copper) (m) -
Cc_base 0x2c
CC_EXT 0x8f
BR, Max Unspecified
BR, min Unspecified
SFF-8472 Compliance Includes functionality described in Rev 9.3
Diagnostic Monitoring Type Digital diagnostic monitoring
Externally Calibrated
Power measurement type: Average Power
Options TX_DISABLE, and disables the serial output
LOS (signal as defined in SFP MSA)
Enhanced Options Invalid
Vendor Rev Unspecified
Vendor PN PTB38J5-6538T-SC
Vendor SN A0508077564
Date Code 08-06-12
Vendor OUI Unspecified
0000000000000000 Vendor specific 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 0000000000000000
Module type GPON
Module sub-type CLASS B+
Used type OLT
Encapsulation Type SFF 2X10
OTDR capability Support
Rx power alarm
Threshold (dBm) [-99.5, -9.0]
Tx power alarm
Threshold (dBm) [-63.5, -60.5]
Tx bias alarm
Threshold (mA) [0.004,0.010]
Supply voltage alarm
Threshold (V) [3.000,3.600]
Temperature alarm
Threshold (C) [-100,99]
CATV  MA5600T    Rx power alarm

Threshold (dBm) [-127.0, -1.0]


An early S2300 bootrom

Basic BOOTROM Version: 113 Compiled at May 182009, 22:38:05
Advanced BOOTROM Version: 115 Compiled at May 62009, 13:48:53
Software Version: VRP (R) Software, Version 5.30 (S2326TP-EI   V100R002C02B181SPC001)
Basic BOOTROM Version: 128 Compiled at Aug 242010, 21:58:24
Software Version: VRP (R) Software, Version 5.70 (S2300 V100R005C01SPC100)
[Quidway]upgrade Ba
[Quidway]upgrade basic-bootrom SV100R002C02B181SPC001_for_2300.cc
Warning: Basic BOOTROM will be upgraded. Continue? (Y/N) [N]: y
Upgrading BOOTROM, please wait for a moment...
Error: SV100R002C02B181SPC001_for_2300.cc
Info: Software Version is lower, not need to upgrade
[Quidway]<Quidway>startup system-software SV100R002C02B181SPC001_for_2300.cc
System will be degraded! Continue? [Y/N]: y
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD
(Ver128, Aug 242010, 21:58:24)
Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOTROM menu... 0
Auto-booting... Track_record_number 33.11
File too small ([LEN]8192)!
Auto-booting with last time startup file... Track_record_number 33.11
File too small ([LEN]253952)!
Seeking a VRP software in flash file-system...
Read length error Track_record_number 33.11
File too small ([LEN]253952)!
Auto-booting failed!

The original version of v100r002, upgrading to v100r005, directly to the v100r002 packageback will not start, repeatedly restart, and then use the v100r005 startup, also cannotdowngrade bootrom back, seemingly can only upgrade cannot downgrade, now that the twoversion of what is the difference in the SI series switches, Huawei probably began from this version of the v100r003, EI and Si function is more clear, this version of v100r002,differences between Si and EI functions are not many, literally see next, less loop detection,port QinQ, vlan-maping, MAC address learning close VLAN and  LS-S2326TP-SI-AC   Ethernet interface, some a ah!!!