
Commissioning the Interconnection with the NMS

Configure the IP address of the maintenance Ethernet port. The IP address of the local maintenance Ethernet port (outband network management port) of theMA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T is
By default, the IP address of the maintenance Ethernet port (ETH port on the control board) is, and the subnet mask is
huawei(config)#interface meth 0
huawei(config-if-meth0)#ip address
Add a route for the outband network management. Use the static route. The destination IP address is (the network segment to which the U2000 belongs), and the gateway IP address is (the IP address of the gateway of the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T).
huawei(config)#ip route-static 24

Set the SNMP parameters.
Configure the community name and the access authority.
The read community name is public, and the write community name is private.

The configurations of the read community name and the write community name must be the same as the configurations on the U2000.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent community read public
huawei(config)#snmp-agent community write private
(Optional) Set the ID and the contact means of the administrator.
The contact means of the administrator is HW-075528780808.

huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info contact HW-075528780808
(Optional) Set the location of the device.
The location of the device is Shenzhen_China.

huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info location Shenzhen_China
Set the SNMP version.
The SNMP version is SNMP V1.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info version v1
The SNMP version is SNMP V2.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent sys-info version v2c
The SNMP version must be the same as the SNMP version set on the U2000.
Enable the function of sending traps. On the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T, enable the function of sending traps to the U2000.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent trap enable standard
Configure the IP address of the destination host for the traps.
When the SNMP V1 is used, the host name is huawei, the IP address of the host is (IP address of the U2000), the trap parameter name is ABC, SNMP version is V1, and the parameter security name is private (the parameter security name is the SNMP community name).
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-hostname huawei address
 trap-paramsname ABC
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname
 ABC v1 securityname private
When the SNMP V2 is used, the host name is huawei, the IP address of the host is (IP address of the U2000), the trap parameter name is ABC, SNMP version is V2, and the parameter security name is private (the parameter security name is the SNMP community name).
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-hostname huawei address trap-paramsname ABC
huawei(config)#snmp-agent target-host trap-paramsname ABC
 v2c securityname private
Set the IP address of the maintenance Ethernet port as the source IP address for sending traps. Set the SNMP packets to be forwarded from the maintenance Ethernet port of the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5683T. That is, the source address of the traps is meth 0.
huawei(config)#snmp-agent trap source meth 0
Save the data.


