
Configuring Local Management (Through a Serial Port)

This topic describes how to connect the maintenance terminal to the MA5620/MA5626 through a local serial port, log in to the MA5620/MA5680T, and then manage the MA5620/MA5626 from the maintenance terminal.

Connect the serial port cable.
Use a standard RS-232 serial port cable to connect the serial port of the PC to the CONSOLE port (maintenance serial port) on the control board of the MA5620/MA5626, as shown in Figure 1.
Start the HyperTerminal.
Set up a connection.
Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal on the PC. The Connection Description dialog box is displayed. Enter the connection name, as shown in Figure 3, and click OK.
Figure 3 Setting up a connection
Set the serial port.
On the PC that is connected to the MA5620/MA5626, select the number of the PC terminal serial port. You can select "COM1" or "COM2". In this example, "COM2" is selected, as shown in Figure 4. Click OK.
Figure 4 Selecting the serial port ID
Set the communication parameters of the HyperTerminal.
Set the parameters in the COM2 Properties dialog box, as shown in Figure 5. The parameters are as follows:
Baud rate: 9600 bit/s
Data bit: 8
Parity: None
Stop bit: 1
Flow control: None

The baud rate of the HyperTerminal must be the same as that of the serial port on the MA5620/MA5626. By default, the baud rate of the serial port on the MA5620/MA5626 is 9600 bit/s.
There may be illegible characters in the displayed input information after you log in to the system. This is because the baud rates between the HyperTerminal and the MA5620/MA5626 are not the same. In this case, set a different baud rate to log in to the system. The system supports the baud rates of 9600 bit/s, 19200 bit/s, 38400 bit/s, 57600 bit/s, and 115200 bit/s.

