
How to configure FTP for Huawei S5700 ?

When I configure FTP for Huawei S5700 switch, I use the steps as following, but I can’t make it work:
Step 1 seting for the FTP server
Start the FTP service on Switch, and configure the FTP username ftpuser, password ftppwd.
<Quidway> System-View
[Quidway] FTP server enable
[Quidway] AAA
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser password simple ftppwd - appear the mistake: Error: Unrecognized command found at '^' position. but if input: local-user ftpuserpassword CI ftppwd is not this tip.
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser service-type FTP
[Quidway-aaa] local-user ftpuser ftp-directory flash:/
[Quidway-aaa] return

Step 2 configure device IP
The configuration of IP, recommend the use of the idle and configured as a default configuration interface, the Ethernet 0/0/1 as an example.
<Quidway> System-View
[Quidway]interface Ethernet 0/0/1 - enter the mistake this command: Error: Wrongparameter found at position. and then give '^' not the next step.
[Quidway-Ethernet0/0/1]port link-type access
[Quidway] VLAN 10
[Quidway-vlan10] port Ethernet 0/0/1
[Quidway-vlan10] quit
[Quidway] interface vlanif 10
[Quidway-Vlanif10] IP address 24
[Quidway-Vlanif10] quit

Step 3 login to the FTP server (Switch)
The following example is the WindowsXP system are described.
Storage will upload the file to the specified directory (assumed to be the D:\> directory), in the "Start Menu" run ", type" CMD, and then press the "enter" key. Then type FTP,in "user" prompt, enter the user name, in the "password" prompt, enter the password, and then press the "enter" key. Display information as follows:
Connected to
220 FTP service ready
User ( (none)): ftpuser
331 Password required for 1
230 User logged in
Step 1 upload web software
In the FTP client (PC) to execute the put source-filename [destination-filename], from PC upload software. Upload finished, execute the bye command, disconnect FTP, return to the user view.
Ftp> put D:\S2300.web.zip
200 Port command okay
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for LS-S2326TP-SI-AC .web.zip
226 Transfer complete
Ftp: send 4940436 bytes, when using 35.10Seconds 140.76Kbytes/sec
Ftp> bye
221 Server closing


