
Configuring the License Function

With the license platform enabled, the license platform performs license control through license server over the function entries and resource entries supported by the MA5620  /MA5603 and provides customized services for users.

The license platform provides the registration mechanism for the service modules of the MA5600/MA5603. During system initialization, the service modules need to register for the controlled resource entries or the controlled function entries. After the system starts to work, based on the controlled entries that are registered, the license client management module obtains the authentication information about the license controlled entries of the MA5600/MA5603 from the license server.

If you need to use the license platform supported by the MA5600/MA5603, ensure to consider the deployment of the license server in network planning.
It is recommended that you install the license server on the same computer with the NMS server. If there is no NMS server, you need to separately deploy a license server on the network.                                                                                         
To configure the MA5600/MA5603 to communicate with the server through smart VLAN 10, configure the IP address of the L3 interface to, configure the MA5600/MA5603 to communicate with the license server (IP address: through port 0/7/0, and configure the TCP port ID to 10010, do as follows:
huawei(config)#vlan 10 smart
huawei(config)#port vlan 10 0/7 0
huawei(config)#interface vlanif 10
huawei(config-if-vlanif10)#ip address 24
huawei(config)#ip route-static 24
huawei(config)#license esn

huawei(config)#license server ipaddress MA5626 tcpport 10010

