
Manually Upgrading an ONT

Step 1  Log in to the U2000.
Step 2  Enter the Huawei ONT  window.
1. Choose View > Main Topology from the main menu.
2 .On the Physical Root navigation tree of the Main Topology window, double-click the OLT that connects to the ONT to be upgraded; or select the OLT, right-click, and choose NE Explorer from the shortcut menu.
3. Select the board and port that connects to the ONT to be upgraded.
4. Then, double-click the port to enter the PON port window.Step 3     Double-click
Step 3  Double-click the PON port that connects to the ONT to be upgraded. The ONT window is displayed. Select the ONT to be upgraded, right-click, and choose Upgrade Terminal from the shortcut menu.

V1R006C00S122 is used as an example for Target Version and File Path in the figure. Ensure that the format of the version in Target Version is VxR00xCxxSxxx.
Here, the SIP version is used as an example.
In the Upgrade Terminal Software dialog box, enter the following information:
Target Version: Select V1R006C00S122.
File Path: Select HG8xxxV100R006C00SPC122_full_all.bin.
Switch to ONT Load Task: Select this option if you need the system to switch to the ONT loading task window immediately after the configuration.
Restart terminal after upgrade: Select this option if you need the system to automatically restart the ONT after the upgrade.
When Graceful is selected for Reset Type, three scenarios are involved regarding the automatic ONT start:
1 If the ONT does not have any ongoing voice service or XML loading task, the ONT will immediately restart after the upgrade.
2 If the ONT has the above-mentioned ongoing service/task and the service/task duration is within 4 hours (the maximum delay before the restart), the Huawei GPON will restart when the service/task is complete.
3 If the above-mentioned ongoing service/task lasts longer than 4 hours, the ONT will restart after 4 hours.
When Forced is selected for Reset Type, the ONT will immediately restart after the upgrade, regardless of whether the ONT has any ongoing voice service or XML loading task.

1. View the loading status. Choose Administration > Task Schedule > ONT Task List from the main menu. Click the Current Task tab. If Downloading files is displayed on the Detail Info tab in the lower pane, the file is being loaded. In this case, wait several minutes until the file loading process is complete.
2. Click the History Task tab after the file loading process is complete. Succeeded is displayed on the Detail Info tab in the lower pane, indicating that the ONT upgrade is successful.

3. Repeat step 2 to enter the ONT window. Select the upgraded ONT to verify that the version displayed in Software Version is the target version.

